วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Genital Warts How Did I Get It? How Can I Treat Genital Warts Gently and Effectively?...and More

Treatment for Genital Warts
While there are many treatments available for Genital Warts, it is worth noting that Genital warts are soft growths on the genitals. It is a sexually trasmitted disease, and one of the more common and easily transmitted of the STDs... Of the more than 100 types of Genital Warts, 30 are sexually transmitted, and you may not even know you have it....

Other names for this condition include Human papilloma virus (HPV), Venereal warts, Penile warts, Condylomata acuminata and Condyloma.

The Genital Warts virus can cause warts on the penis, vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix and around the anus. It is a common condition, though most people have no symptoms. You can Treat Genital Warts naturally and effectively.

It is contagious, and if you have Genital warts, it is adviseable that you treat the condition or you risk spreading it to others. You also risk complications, including cervical cancer.

The Genital Warts Virus grows well in the moist genital area. On the outer genitals, it is easy to recognize them as they are raised and flesh coloured, and can occur singly or in clusters. If left untreated they may quickly grow to take on a cauliflower like appearance.

In women, Genital Warts can invade the vagina and cervix. These warts are flat and not easily visible. It is important that this condition be diagnosed (via reglar pap smears) and treated because Genital Warts of this kind can lead to cancerous and precancerous changes in the cervix.

If you have both Genital Warts and the Herpes virus together, you are at particular risk for developing cervical cancer.

I recommend a purely natural, Gentle Treatment for Genital Warts.

They offer a 60 day money back guarantee. And have the Testimonials to prove it works.
