Acne can be a frustrating problem for a lot of people. It has been estimated that 17 million people in the United States suffer from some form of acne. No wonder there are so many products that have been specifically made to treat acne. But what exactly is acne?
Basically, acne is a skin disease characterized by the inflammation of the skin. Clogged pores and dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin are the primary reasons people get acne.
Most people commonly referred to acne as zits, and pimples. In some severe cases, acne can appear as pus filled sores, boils, lesions. Acne does not only appear on the face. It can also appear on the shoulder, back, arms, and chest.
How acne affect individuals
Another problem that results due to acne is that it tends to scar. A lot of people who suffer from acne also suffers from low self esteem, and depression because of this condition. This is especially detrimental to teenagers, who are extremely vulnerable and insecure about their appearance. They also fear the derision from their peers as a result of having acne. It has been assessed that 85 percent of teenagers suffer from acne.
Acne does not only affect one's physical appearance, but also a person's psychological, and emotional well being. This is why those who are suffering from acne are constantly looking for effective ways to treat this condition.
Acne Medication
There are a lot of acne medication that's available out there for people to choice from. A word of caution, over the counter acne medications should be viewed with suspicion. Some acne medication if not suited for individuals may leave scarring!
There is no one medication that can treat acne, since there are many forms of acne. Also people have different types of skin type that react differently to medication.
For those who have acne, it is best to get a check up from a dermatologist or a medical professional. This way, they would be directed to the right medication that works for them.
Home made remedies-
A lot of people automatically assume that homemade remedies are ineffective! But there have been some findings that state that some homemade remedies do in fact work wonders! Some oils, plants, and herbs are great for treating mild cases of acne.
Prescribed medication-
For those who have acne this would probably be the best way to go. Since every individual's need is different. A dermatologist would be able to evaluate what type of medication will work for different types of acne.
Oral antibiotic-
This can also be used to treat acne. The problem with this method of treatment is that although it may help in killing bacteria, it does nothing to get rid of the excessive oil that the skin secretes.
Other forms of treatment people use are different types of acne are as follow:
-Azelaic acid, benzoyl perroxide, retinoids, salicydic acid - This is suitable for
treating comedonal acne.
-Antibiotics and benzoyl perroxide work best for inflamed acne.
- For severe acne that's inflammatory contraceptive pills, or isotretinoin work best.
Most people will suffer from acne, at some stage in their lives. Good thing is that there are a lot of available medication that will help to treat acne.
The secret to effectively treating acne, is to find the right medication that will work for you. The best way to achieve this is to consult your dermatologist. A dermatologist would be able to offer advice, and give a professional opinion on which product will work best for you.
Hanif Khaki is the widely respected author of numerous health related articles including many on acne medication He is also the founder of the popular acne resource site