วันพุธที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Gout is a symptom of protein poisoning. In essence the Gout is a form of arthritis, a very painful form of arthritis in the foot. It has long been known that it is caused by protein poisoning.

Like arthritis it starts as part of the healing process after an injury. Lets say you stub your toe, and injure one or more joints, in the toe or foot. Your body, increases the flow of fluids to the foot, to supply your foot with the nutrients to heal.


The fluids being rushed to your foot are laden with toxins, uric acid, the remnants of deranged animal protein, and inorganic minerals. The problem is that it is easier for these toxic substances to get into the joints than it is for them to leave.

The uric acid aggravates the joint surfaces and the inorganic minerals settle in. The inorganic minerals build up in the joints of the foot that were injured, forming crystals with sharp edges. As these crystals grow, usually more so while you sleep, they bite into the cartilage causing pain. Forming in essence sand paper in the joint. When you try to use your foot the pain can be excruciating.


The medical approach is to give you pain killers and do nothing about the cause of the pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to try to reduce the inflammation. However the inflammation did not cause itself. The symptoms can linger on for weeks with this approach.

The fastest way to end gout pain is to fast. On a water fast, your body can eliminate the toxins, and remove the crystals from the joints.

Following the fast with the diet we were designed for will insure that it does not return. However if you once get the gout, it shows that you are prone to get this arthritis symptom in your foot. If you return to your accustomed diet you stand a good chance of having the gout return.

Cooked foods and beverages are laden with the inorganic minerals that cause the gout.

The diet we were designed for is raw fruit, vegetables with some seeds or nuts. I talk mo! re about this in other articles. The Genesis 1:29 diet will go a long way toward preventing the gout from ever happening,

Charles Snyder is a health minister. You can reach him through his web site http://www.hopeanswers.com He is the arthor of Six Months to Live, an exciting adventure story that teaches what he learned that ended his arthritis pain 23 years ago.
