Getting rid of pimples is not what young people should have to spend their time on. Your teenage years should be the happiest in your life, and for many that's true. But for some, pimples and acne combine to make life a misery. And it's not just teenagers either; older people too can have trouble getting rid of pimples. Here are a few tips that might help.
1. Avoid stress. Stress is bad for the body in so many ways. Many people are surprised to discover that stress can produce adverse physical effects, but it can and it does. Learn to relax more and perhaps even learn relaxation exercises such as yoga, or T'ai Chi.
You should avoid caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea. I know this may be difficult with our well-established coffee culture so evident, but caffeine will stimulate the production of hormones, which will work against getting rid of pimples and acne.
2. Avoid acid-forming foods, such as cream, milk, cheese, yoghurt, and all other dairy foods. Avoid meat and cooked fats, especially fried fatty meats. You should also keep away from products containing flour, rice and sugar.
But it's not all bad. There are lots of tasty alkaline-forming foods that are good for you. These include things like, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Nuts are also good, though you should be sparing with these, and seeds are good too.
3. There are many home remedies that individuals have found useful in the battle for getting rid of pimples. Freshly cut garlic gently rubbed into the affected areas before going to bed, then washed off in the morning has been known to work. Others believe in using a mixture of olive oil and salt rubbed over any pimply area and washed off again after a few hours. And still others have great faith in a paste of baking soda and water applied before bedtime and kept on overnight.
As in all things, common sense and moderation is always a good guide; taking too many beers on a Saturday night will do nothing for getting rid of pimples, nor will eating hu! ge slabs of chocolate every day. Be sensible and disciplined and you will succeed in getting rid of pimples and acne -- no matter how long they have been a part of your life!
John Coutts is an expert article author. Did you find these tips on getting rid of pimples useful? You can learn a lot more about getting rid of pimples and unsightly acne from this resource