Britain is snowballing towards a giant diabetes epidemic, as obesity levels rocket. Fortunately it is possible to walk the tightrope between good and bad glucose control. And you can even beat it with diet and natural approaches.
Here are 10 simple tips to beat Diabetes.
1. Exercise most days for at least 30 minutes.
2. Lose Weight. Even shedding a little will help.
3. Consider Chromium supplements, which can improve insulin resistance in muscle cells. Supplements can be found at
4. Take Alpha-Lipoic Acid, an Antioxidant that helps improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake into muscle cells/
5. Try Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which helps to improve insulin resistance in fat cells.
6. Take Coenzyme Q10 and antioxidant that also improves the function of insulin-producing cells.
7. Take Garlic to help maintain a healthy heart and circulation.
8. Try Omega-3 Fish Oils for their effect on the heart and circulation and their ability to reduce the inflamation linked with metabolic syndrome.
9. Green Tea can improve glucose control.
10. Think about taking Pycnogenol and antioxidant that can significantly improve Glucose tolerance.
This of course is not an exhaustive list, but an idea of what you can do with Natural Products.
Remember diabetes is no laughing matter. My Mother, Mother-in-law and Uncle all have it. It pays to get clued up on these things.
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