วันศุกร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Chakra Meditation for Healing Chakra 7 Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

7th - Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra ~ SOUND ~ WHITE VIOLET

Focus your awareness at the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra, located at the top of your head. From Sanskrit Sahasrara can be translated as ?Thousand Petaled Lotus.? The lotus blossom is a symbol for purity and spirituality.

See a Whirling Ball of White-Violet Colored light pulsing with energy in this center. This is your vital life force energy representing your potential for Self liberation from the phenomenal world of duality and for experiencing a spiritually enlightened state of BLISS.

The Sahasrara Chakra's nature is infinite. Through this energy center you continually give rise to new thoughts and ideas. Thought represents the highest function of the mind. It is with your mind that you create your belief systems which control your actions or reactions so that you become like a self fulfilling prophecy. Aim high and true with your thoughts so that you may attain the state of enlightenment for which you are destined, beyond all concepts.

The primary function of the Sahasrara Chakra is liberation! The Sahasrara Chakra connects you directly to Divine Source Energy. Through your Sahasrara Chakra you receive direct wisdom, insight and guidance from the Divine. The Sahasrara Chakra symbolizes the highest state of enlightenment and spiritual development, the awakened state.

A balanced and healthy Sahasrara Chakra is related to a healthy functioning Pineal Gland which acts as a key hormonal regulator. Research has shown that the Pineal Gland is most active at birth and death. It is the primary gateway for our earthly manifestation.

When the Sahasrara Chakra is functioning healthily you experience direct perceptions about the oneness of all life. You move beyond duality into the space of ABSOLUTE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS.

Emotional stagnation or blockage at your Sahasrara Chakra emits an energy frequency that resonates with experiences of psychosis and potential for complete breakdown of mental faculties for organizing and! perceiv ing material reality.

Related physical imbalance, include: Pineal gland disorders, manic depressive states and psychosis.

Since the Pineal gland orchestrates hormonal secretions, along with the Thalamus and the Pituitary gland, its balanced function influences the health of our entire endocrine system.

Recite this Mantra six times aloud as you continue to focus your awareness at the Sahasrara Chakra.

Remember to inhale and exhale fully as you recite the mantra.

I Know, I Unify, I Am Silence

Recite this same mantra silently six times within yourself as you continue to focus your awareness at the Sahasrara Chakra. Remember to inhale and exhale fully as you recite the mantra.

I Know, I Unify, I Am Silence

Sound the Seed Syllable OM (Keynote B in the C Major scale) and continue to focus your awareness at your Sahasrara Chakra for five minutes.

Clear and Balance (4 minutes duration) by allowing images to naturally surface and melt away as blockages are cleared and balance restored in your Sahasrara Chakra.

B TONE - OM ------------------------

Conclude (1 minute duration) your visualization and recitation of the Seed Syllable OM by seeing your Sahasrara Chakra as a clear and vibrant whirling ball of Shimmering WHITE VIOLET colored light pulsing with energy at this center.

Remember to inhale and exhale fully as you visualize your Sahasrara Chakra being clear, vibrantly alive and healthy.

Allow yourself to rest in this state of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS for at least a few moments, or longer, before opening your eyes. Continue being in this state of Relaxed Awareness as you move through your day!


This concludes my instructional Guide to Healing Your Rainbow Bridge ~ a Chakra Meditation to Clear, Balance and Charge your Seven Major Chakras.

As you become adept at working with your chakras you may gradually increase the time you focus your attention on each energy center. Ini! tially y our focus should be for no more than five minutes duration.

A regular practice of these exercises will result in increased amplitude for each of your Major Chakras and give you the necessary stamina to dispel life obstacles. Increased amplitude of your energy centers will greatly enhance your vital life force and positively impact your health and longevity.

Your regular practice of these guided visualization and affirmation exercises is a conscious investment you can choose to make in building your personal power which will enable you to direct your spirit.

KG?S ENDNOTE: There are various systems of Color used to Clear, Balance and Charge your 7 Major Chakras or Energy Centers. The Colors I suggest you use in my Guide to Healing Your Rainbow Bridge are those I have used with good results for many years. It is how you feel during and after your focus and intention to Clear, Balance and Charge each of your 7 Major Chakras that is of most importance, not the Color!

Healing Your Rainbow Bridge - A Guided Chakra Meditation is a gentle and noninvasive holistic health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health and well-being. Please consult with your physician regarding your health concerns.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatic energy medicine practitioner in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. To learn about KG?s Chakra Oils visit: Chakra Oils To Assist You in Clearing, Balancing & Charging Your 7 Major Chakras Click to learn about KG?s CD, Healing Your Rainbow Bridge - A Guided Chakra Meditation. KG invites you to Subscribe to Health Mastery Ezine to WIN FREE Aromatherapy Products. To learn more visit: Subscribe To Win Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315
