วันเสาร์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

AntiDepressants ? Should You Be Taking Them?

Anti-depressants are supposed to be used as a bridge to help you overcome your anxiety disorder.

What some may not be aware of? is it doesn?t actually ?cure? your anxiety disorder, however aids to suppress your emotions so you are better able to conquer your anxious thoughts.

The problem is anti-depressants DO come with side effects.

Here is a list of just some of the side effects you may experience:

?Dry mouth
?Urinary retention
?Blurred vision
?Sedation (can interfere with driving or operating machinery)
?Sleep disruption
?Weight gain
?Abdominal pain
?Inability to achieve an erection
?Inability to achieve an orgasm (men and women)
?Loss of libido
?Increased Anxiety
?Panic Attacks

Then there are some more severe side effects, such as;

?Psychotic episodes
?Suicidal thoughts
?Personality change

Everyone?s side effects will vary from person to person, however I am still yet to meet someone who has NOT experienced some nasty side effects from taking anti-depressants.

The person taking them may not even realize the effect it has had on them? I personally myself experienced some of the more severe side effects and it took me a while to come to the realization that these medications were doing more harm then good. A personal story of my own that I haven?t shared with very many? I will share with you now? (While I was taking the anti-depressants).

It was my sister in-laws birthday, and the depression of feeling like I was an unworthy person just got too much to bare any longer. So I jumped in my car with the idea of driving to the biggest cliff in my city and driving right off it!

Now? nobody even knew I was having these type of thoughts (and most people who intend on going through something like this don?t usually tell anyone). So no-one was alarmed or concerned that I had gone for a ! drive.

I got half way to my destination when a taxi came out of a service station and slammed into the side of my car.

IF it hadn?t of been for that accident, I very well may not be here now writing to you and sharing my stories.

Of course, not everyone who takes anti-depressants will experience side effects as severe as I might have. However?

My advice to you is:-

If you ARE taking anti-depressants, make sure you are talking to someone you trust? TELL them how you are feeling? Ask them to observe your behavior and notify your doctor as soon as possible of any changes.

Know that the one true way you will conquer and cure your disorder is through YOU and adapting new thinking patterns. Everyone has the ability to do this, and its very self rewarding when you do!

Note: Never self diagnose.Make sure you visit your local GP first. All material provided is for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.

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