Well, it's kind of like being a vegetarian. There is a wide spectrum. On one end, you have the vegans who don't use any animal products. On the other end, there are some people who consider themselves vegetarian who still eat chicken and fish and use dairy products.
Some green people have opted totally off the grid. They only use sustainable resources in all aspects of their lives. The Dancing Rabbit EcoVillage is an example of this form of ?green living.?
There are some ?green people? who are concerned about leaving a smaller footprint on the planet. They accept the idea that our civilizations do damage to the planet. They accept the idea that some of the damage may be permanent. Their idea is to control the depth and breadth of the damage by incremental personal behavior and society change. An example of their position can be found in their discussion of the replacement of gasoline in cars with fuel cells.
[Side Note: One of politician?s favorite babies to kiss, fuel cell technology, is a great idea. When was the last time you went whizzing by a hydrogen station in your town? It's not going to happen anytime soon. Most of the folks who talk about it in speeches don't mean it. They're just not serious. Have you seen the politicians when they are explaining why a football, baseball or basketball team needs to have a new arena, even when they aren't filling the seats that they already have available? Before they even have the fancy ground breaking ceremony, they have sold all the luxury boxes and are half way through season ticket lotteries. Cities offer outrageous tax incentives to the teams and levy ridiculous taxes on their citizens. That is what a serious idea looks like in this country. The only place you are likely to see a functional car that runs on fuel cells is an auto show.
[Back to my Point: At the very opposite end of the ?green people? spectrum, there are the incidentally ?green.? These are people who happily pay their fossil fuel bills and are only conversational! ly conce rned with their ?foot print.? So, how is it that they can be labeled as ?green? at all? Well, these people accidentally pick up ?green? behaviors because they care about their own existence and quality of life.
Many in this last group have noticed that they have suddenly developed allergies to things they eat. Some of them have noticed a sickly feeling when they wear certain clothes and use certain products. And, some of them have bodies that are waging spectacular all-out revolts in the form of diseases and syndromes.
In short, (I know it's a little late for that) all technology that makes our lives less expensive and more convenient does not make our lives better. Join the ?green people? and find your place on the spectrum. You'll feel good and you'll be better.
Dawn Worthy, owner of Fresh From the Farm, is devoted to integrating human health and comfort with the natural world through 2 product lines, Aunt Ann's Garden Soap and Grandma's Love Afghans. We think poisoning our customers is bad and we have taken a strong stand against it. http://www.FreshFromtheFarm.Us